CREA undertakes research that will later lead to the improvement and innovation of education programs and policies. The data we collect is applicable to individual classrooms, and entire legislative sessions.
In conjunction with the shift to the new pupil-centered funding formula, the Nevada legislature approved general fund appropriations for an external evaluation to determine the impact of transferring certain state K-12 categorical programs (i.e., Zoom, Victory, and SB 178) into the PCFP and to measure the effect these transfers had on schools and students that the K-12 categorical programs previously targeted. In this report, CREA presents the results of our evaluation of the impact of the Nevada Pupil-Centered Funding Plan.
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CREA investigated the impact of teacher recruitment and retention bonuses and performance compensation on academic and non-academic outcomes for CCSD’s Innovative Middle School Program, a three-year pilot program designed to improve student achievement and retain teachers invested in growing and sustaining a positive culture in schools
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CREA provided evaluation of the implementation, outputs, and outcomes of CCSD’s core language and literacy development program for 6-8 grade students during the 2022 – 23 school year.
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CREA provided evaluation of the implementation, outputs, and outcomes of CCSD’s core language and literacy development program for K-3 students during the 2022 – 23 school year
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In collaboration with the Nevada Department of Education, CREA identified “pockets of excellence” in the state of Nevada, defined as schools experiencing marked growth in improving Black student achievement on the state’s standardized exams. We then conducted in-depth interviews with principals from 10 of those schools to understand evidence-based practices leveraged by school leaders to help improve Black student achievement.
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During the 2021-22 school year, 73% of schools in the Clark County School District (CCSD) qualified for federal dollars under Title I program criteria. Expectedly, CCSD receives the bulk of Nevada’s Title I dollars, which are largely expended on hiring additional teachers for the express purpose of class size reduction. In this report, CREA presents the results of our evaluation of the impact of Title I class size reduction on student outcomes and the processes by which those dollars were used by school leaders to reduce class sizes.
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Founded in 2005, FIRST Nevada is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization promoting FIRST® robotics programs and STEAM education initiatives in Nevada. Their mission is to “inspire young people to become science and technology leaders, by engaging them in exciting mentor-based programs that build science, engineering, and technology skills, that lead to innovation, and foster well-rounded life capabilities including self-confidence, communication, and leadership.”
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As a major academic center that provides expert, nonpartisan program and policy evaluation and assessment services for decision-makers in national, state, and local organizations, CREA, in collaboration with UNLV College of Education faculty members, authored a series of policy papers to inform thoughtful policy discussions in anticipation of Nevada’s 81st (2021) legislative session.
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In 2019, the Nevada Legislature enacted SB 475, which required a study assessing the impact and validity of the NEPF. The Center for Research, Evaluation, and Assessment at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, in coordination with the University of Southern California undertook this study beginning in April 2020.
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